Whistles; each composed of two hollow wooden tubes bound together with cotton string. Each tube has a single hole with pitch partially closing the air way under each hole. The ends of each tube are closed with pitch. Probably made with elderberry, with pith removed. Notched cut with steel knife and tied together with cotton.
John Preston Stanley, Philip Mills Jones, and Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Haupt Ranch, Sonoma County, California
Culture or time period:
Kashia and Pomo
Maker or artist:
Big Jose
John Preston Stanley and Philip Mills Jones
Collection date:
Object type:
Object class:
5.4 Secular and Religious Musical Instruments
Accession date:
August 1901
Context of use:
2 pairs of sacred dance whistles, not supposed to be sold...
Photo: Note: see 1-11 Published: 1-12b in Waterman, Native Musical Instruments of California, "Outwest", April, 1908. POMO Materials, techniques: "Probably elderberry, with pith removed, notches cut with steel knife, tied together with cotton string." "2 pairs of sacred dance whistles, not supposed to be sold..." from P.M. JONES field catalogue. These whistles were collected from, hence probably made by, "Jose the Preacher" (Big Jose) of the Haupt rancheria. Big Jose was a Yomta (Prophet) of the Maru from 1880---. The Yomta either made or supervised the making of paraphernalia used in their ceremonies.