Globose coiled basket. Tag: "Yuki". Per Ralph Shanks: Coiled globose basket bowl. There are no abrasions or residue. The basket has a tight spiral coiled start with small hole in center, not pinhole start however. The starts wefts are unpeeled redbud. The coil foundation is three rod peeled shoots. The wefts are peeled redbud background with unpeeled redbud designs. The design is eleven horizontal one coil row wide bands of redbud. There are a few small random rectangles. The rim is plain wrapped; the rim coil ending is slightly tapered with five diagonal back stitches. The weft fag ends are concealed, with some clipped or tucked. The weft moving ends are primarily concealed with some tucked. The exterior of the basket has a few split stiches; the interior has more than 50% split stiches. The basket has an exterior workface, with a rightward work direction, and down to the right slant of weft twist. There is one hair woven into the basket. Note with basket in Larry Dawson's handwriting "Closure of lines line = ~ [about] 40A coil ending no dau marks". Per Ralph Shanks Dawson was looking for dau marks in this basket.
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection place:
Round Valley, Mendocino County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Mendocino; Round Valley
Culture or time period:
Maker or artist:
Susan Rubin
Samuel A. Barrett
Collection date:
July 1907
Object type:
Object class:
Coiled weaving and Mush basket bowl
1.5 Household
Accession date:
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
height 12 centimeters and diameter 22 centimeters
Samuel A. Barrett "field notes, p. 40: ...tilitc Yuki basket... pp.41-42 Yuki basket Materials. on put = sedge on put cuk = Carex tcahai co' = redbud tcahai tcal = white [i.e. peeled] redbud poho' = pine root mu' = grape vine woo' = dogwood sticks for coiling yu'k = chaparral, used for twining sticks olmamol = hazel woo ol = dogwood stick used for hoop building. So far as noticed, the burden, mortar and seed beater and perhaps an openwork flat basket are the only ones made in twining." Remarks: For materials see Supplementary Cat. 1 Page 91. Per Ruth Merrill: Acorn meal basket; coiled. Warp is Dogwood, weft is Redbud sapwood. Red pattern is Redbud bark.