Tray basket. Two tags: "Yuki". Per Ralph Shanks: Wide flaring coiled bowl, in the shape of a parching or cooking basket. It has staining and residue. The start is twined. The coil foundation is three rods with some splints. The weft material is redbud, both peeled and unpeeled. The design includes four bands of three horizontal lines with one break in each band at the same point. There are also random rectangles. The rim is plain wrapped; the rim coil ending is blunt, with about five back stiches. The rim ending lines up with the breaks in the design. The weft fag ends are primarily clipped, with some bound under; the weft moving ends are bound under and some are concealed. About 50% of the wefts are split on the interior, with very few split on the exterior. The wefts are non-interlocking. The basket has an exterior workface. It has a rightward work direction and a down to the right slant of weft twist. The basket was collected in Hulls valley, which is in Wailaki territory, the features of the basket match both Yuki and Wailaki baskets.
John Preston Stanley, Philip Mills Jones, and Phoebe Apperson Hearst
Collection place:
Hulls Valley, Mendocino County, California
Verbatim coll. place:
California; Lake; Hulls Valley
Culture or time period:
Wailaki and Yuki
Philip Mills Jones and Weilaikie Pete
Collection date:
July 19, 1901
Object type:
Object class:
Coiled weaving, Mortar baskets (baskets by function), Mortar baskets (food processing), and Twined weaving
1.5 Household
Accession date:
August 1901
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
diameter 53.4 centimeters and height 14 centimeters
Remarks: For materials see Supplementary catalogue 1, p. 91. Per Ruth Merrill: Mortar basket; coiled. Warp is Willow, weft is Redbud wood. Red pattern is Redbud bark.