[Coiled basket with round shape, flat bottom and flaring sides. Serrated linear design elements in dark brown on natural ground. Small round shells sewn randomly around rim, small paper tag glued to inside on base that reads, "A". Found on shelf with Pomo baskets. 5-2003]. Per Ralph Shanks: Coiled single rod flaring bowl decorated with clamshell disc beads sewn on with cordage/string. Leftward work direction, black bracken fern root designs, zigzag design. Twined starting knot. Matches 1-4113 materials and has shell beads, but not definite.
Collection place:
North Central California
Culture or time period:
Object type:
Object class:
Baskets (containers), Coiled weaving, and Twined weaving
1.5 Household
Native California (archaeology and ethnology)
height 14 centimeters and diameter 31.5 centimeters