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Culture or time period
- 11th Dynasty of Egypt (2125–1985 BC)4
- 12th Dynasty of Egypt (1985–1773 BC)3
- 18th Dynasty of Egypt (1550–1295 BC)3
- 19th Dynasty of Egypt (1295–1186 BC)3
- 2nd Dynasty of Egypt (2890–2686 BC)39
- 3rd Dynasty of Egypt (2686–2125 BC)39
- 6th Dynasty of Egypt (2345–2181 BC)4
- 7th & 8th Dynasties of Egypt (2181–2160 BC)4
- 9th & 10th Dynasties of Egypt (2160–2055 BC)4
- Aboriginal Australians27
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders27
- Achumawi56
- Acjachemen1
- African American6
- African cultures247
- Afro-Brazilian1
- Aglegmiut Eskimo5
- Ainu2
- Akimel O'odham ("Pima")323
- Alaskan Eskimo91